About the International Exchange Center

Greetings from the Director

~Connect with the world and open the door to the future~

Reiko Ishii
Director, International Exchange Center
Professor, Faculty of Human Life Studies

One of the three basic principles of the University of Niigata Prefecture is the “Development of an International Perspective.” In order to realize this principle, the International Exchange Center has supported the conclusion of exchange agreements with universities in the United States, Canada, China, Korea, Russia, Lithuania, the Philippines, Indonesia, Mongolia, and other countries. Through the promotion of student exchange programs, overseas language programs, overseas field studies, and exchanges and seminars with students from the partner universities, we have played an important role in the educational and research activities of the UNP.

We seek to further expand exchanges with partner institutions to increase opportunities for our students to study abroad, and at the same time, we aim to internationalize our campus by creating an environment where international students from various countries can study at UNP. By having international and UNP students study together on the same campus, we create opportunities for them to experience each other’s cultures and values.

Over the past few years, due to the global expansion of COVID-19, face-to-face exchanges have been limited all over the world. During this time, the University of Niigata Prefecture has developed new forms of international exchange through COIL (Collaborative Online Learning) type education, international online seminars in collaboration with partner universities, and online cafés with international students. In the future, we would like to continue to nurture human resources with a global perspective and the ability to play an active role on the global stage, while utilizing the advantages of both traditional study abroad and ICT-based exchanges.

For students in any field of study, having an eye on the world and being exposed to diverse values during their student years will be an invaluable asset for the rest of their lives. We encourage students to experience the world. By being proactive, they can take the first step to connect with others outside their country borders and open the door to the future. The International Exchange Center will continue to actively support students who take on such challenges and endeavors.

Duties of the International Exchange Center

The University of Niigata Prefecture promotes student exchange and overseas study programs for our students and works to diversify study programs at partner universities abroad. UNP International Exchange Center supports these exchange programs and overseas studies and promotes opportunities for exchange between UNP students and students from other countries. We also provide support for international students studying at UNP so that they can lead a comfortable student life. Please feel free to visit us.

The current duties of the International Exchange Center are as follows:

  1. Support for international exchange agreements with overseas universities
  2. Promotion of research and student exchanges between UNP and overseas partner universities
  3. Promotion and support of exchange programs, overseas language programs including English, Russian, Chinese, Korean, and field studies for UNP students
  4. Support for the development of a system for accepting international students (regular students and exchange students), and support for their study and daily life.

Please contact the Office of International Exchange for inquiries:
TEL: 025-368-8373

E-mail: [email protected]